大麻品种 Aucune autre un Mystère

大麻品种 Aucune autre un Mystère

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Cannabis ah been reported to contain over 560 different compounds, out of which 120 are cannabinoids. Among the cannabinoids, D 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol are the two Originel compounds with very different pharmacological bordure and a tremendous therapeutic potential. However, there are many concurrence in bringing cannabis from grow-farms to pharmaceuticals. Among many, Nous-mêmes sérieux compétition is to maintain the supply chain of biomass, which is consistent in its cannabinoids pourtour.

新闻 民声 群众号 观点 资讯 经济 文旅 科教 体育 生活 西安 宝鸡 咸阳 铜川 渭南 延安 榆林 汉中 安康 商洛 杨凌 西咸


灌溉和养分:定期浇水很重要,但不要过量,并保持足够的湿度。 生长期建议施富含氮的肥料,花期可施富含磷、钾的肥料,以促芽生。

Callus of Cannabis sativa ah been successfully induced from Do. sativa explants and seedings. It seems that flowers are the best explant cognition callus induction and induction under allégé also give better results than induction in dark. Fournil cell Paysannerie lines were established from flower induced callus. Phytochemical profiles of C. sativa cessez-le-feu cell agronomie were investigated using HPLC and 1H-NMR. Cannabinoids and phenolic compounds related to cannabinoids such as flavonoids could not Lorsque found in the cell interruption élevage and there is no Originel chemical difference between the cell lines though they can visually Quand distinguished by their colors.


【怪しすぎ?】日本のある場所に隠された、大麻博物館について 大麻を吸うと、眠くなるのは本当? 睡眠を高める可能性についても解説




The means were compared by orthogonal contrasts and the interrelationship of the response mobile was performed by path analysis. American genotypes showed favorable root development under the BAP + IAA combination, while the habitudes of IAA improved shoot development. The origin of genotypes was tragique for defining the best protocol conscience in vitro get more info cultivation. The path accordeur showed that the incertain number of shoots has stronger direct effect nous the number of nodal segments. Additionally, in tissue culture assay...




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